Bulldogs' Hockey History

The Hamburg Bulldogs Varsity Hockey team's inaugural season of varsity hockey was 2008-2009. Previous teams most recently competed in the Southtown's Club High School Hockey League. The final season of play in the SCHSHL concluded with a Bulldog's league championship and victory on Super Sunday.

Varsity Summaries:

88 - 107 - 17 - 5

2008 - 2009 First Season of Varsity Hockey
13 - 7 - 2

Lost is Section VI Quarter-Final Game to Williamsville East

Steven Milley
Matt Springer
Graduating Seniors
Matt Smith 08-09
Nick Boyd 08-09
Michael Sage 08-09
Alec Moncton 08-09
Matt Springer 08-09
Steven Milley 08-09
Jon Crean 08-09
Mark Stamer 08-09
Ryan Tilley 08-09

Sean Gregoire, Ryan Tilley, Collin Farrell - Honorable Mention Division III

2009 - 2010
7 - 10 - 3
Lost in Section VI Quarter-Final Game to Kenmore East

Ryan Feuerstein
Shawn Needham
Collin Farrell
Graduating Seniors
Ryan Feuerstein 08-09; 09-10
Shawn Needham 08-09; 09-10 - Bowman Cup
Collin Farrell 8-09; 09-10
Sean Gregoire 08-09; 09-10
Kyle Nowak 08-09; 09-10
Graham Blair 08-09; 09-10
John Iafallo 08-09; 09-10
Josh Slupinski 08-09; 09-10
Dan Tender 09-10

Sean Gregoire, Kyle Nowak - 2nd Team Division IV
Austin Bishop, Shawn Needham, Collin Farrell - Honorable Mention Division IV

2010 - 2011
2 - 19 - 0
Lost in Section VI Quarter-Final Game to Amherst
Nate Dake
Justin Lucarelli
Patrick Nowak
Graduating Seniors
Nate Dake 08-09; 09-10; 10-11
Justin Lucarelli 09-10; 10-11
Cody Bellitto 09-10; 10-11
Jacob Dehlinger 09-10; 10-11
Brendan Peters 09-10; 10-11
Zach Gardner 10-11
Louis Forsberg 10-11

Austin Bishop, Justin Lucarelli, Grant Karlson - 2nd Team All-Star Division III

2011 - 2012
4 - 17 - 1
Lost in Section VI Quarter-Final Game to Kenmore East

Josh Babcock
Grant Karlson
Liam McFall
Graduating SeniorsG
rant Karlson 09-10; 10-11; 11-12
Josh Babcock 09-10; 10-11; 11-12
Thomas Nowak 10-11; 11-12
Adam Cox 10-11; 11-12
Ryan Yeates 10-11; 11-12

Brett Ross - 2nd Team All-Star DIVISION III
Colin Coppola, Grant Karlson - Honorable Mention DIVISION III

2012 - 2013
11 - 9 - 1 - 1
Lost in Section VI Semi-Final game to Williamsville East

Austin Bishop
Liam McFall

Graduating Seniors
Cole Beale 10-11, 11-12, 12-13
Andrew Beiter 11-12, 12-13
Tyler Bellitto 09-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-13
Austin Bishop 09-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-13
Liam McFall 09-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-13
Chris Moses 12-13
Josh Palisano 11-12, 12-13
David Suchan 11-12, 12-13

Chris Moses - 2nd Team ALL-STATE, 1st Team ALL-WNY FEDERATION, Bowman Cup
Brendan McFall - 1st Team All-Star DIVISION III, Bowman Cup
Tyler Bellitto - 1st Team All-Star DIVISION III
Colin Coppola - 2nd Team All-Star DIVISION III, Bowman Cup
Austin Bishop - 2nd Team All-Star DIVISION III
Brett Ross - Honorable Mention Division III

13 - 5 - 4
Lost in Section VI Semi-Final game to Kenmore East

Brett Ross - (C)
Jake Wittmeyer - (A)
Colin Coppola - (A)
Brendan McFall - (A)

Graduating Seniors
Brett Ross 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14
Colin Coppola 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14
Jacob Wittmeyer 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14
Brendan McFall 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14
Jordyn Bellitto 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14
Alex Peters 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14
Jonathan Liberatore 11-12, 12-13, 13-14
Brendan Bartoo 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14
Ethan Sachse 11-12, 12-13, 13-14
Joe Fentzke 12-13, 13-14
David Held 13-14

Brendan McFall - 1st Team All-Star DIVISION II, Bowman Cup
Jon Liberatore - 1st Team All-Star DIVISION II, Bowman Cup
Brendan Hart - 2nd Team All-Star DIVISION II, Bowman Cup
Brett Ross, Colin Coppola, Jordyn Bellitto, Alex Suchan, Vinny Goodrich, Colin Mills, Tyler Scull, Evan Wright - Honorable Mention Division II

16 - 6 - 0 - 1
Lost in Section VI Semi-Final Game to Kenmore East 1-0 in 4OT

Tyler Scull - (C)
Eric Shearer - (A)
Evan Wright - (A)

Graduating Seniors
Tyler Scull - 14-15, 13-14, 12-13, 11-12
Eric Shearer - 14-15, 13-14, 12-13, 11-12
Zachary Sortisio - 14-15, 13-14, 12-13, 11-12
Brendan Hart - 14-15, 13-14
Colin Mills - 14-15, 13-14
Alex Conomos - 14-15, 13-14
Conor McDermott - 14-15
Brendan Maurer - 14-15, 13-14
Ben Pyne - 14-15
Alex Suchan - 13-14, 12-13
Jack Miller - 14-15
Tosh Johnson - 14-15, 13-14
Kyle Carrow - 14-15

Tyler Scull - 1st Team All-Star DIVISION II, 1st Team ALL WNY-FEDERATION, Bowman Cup
Brendan Hart - 1st Team All-Star DIVISION II, Bowman Cup
Jason Lucarelli - Honorable Mention Division II, Bowman Cup
Colin Mills, Evan Wright, Eric Shearer - Honorable Mention Division II

Season Record - 9-9-2-2
Lost in Section VI Semi-Finals to Williamsville East

Jason Lucarelli
Joshua Dake
James Wittmeyer

Graduating Seniors
Jason Lucarelli 15-16, 14-15, 13-14
James Wittmeyer 15-16, 14-15
Bobby Slemmer 15-16, 14-15
Erik Szabala 15-16, 14-15
Joshua Dake 15-16
Mike Boyd 15-16, 14-15
Brian Kazmierczak 15-16,14-15, 13-14
Evan McDermott 15-16, 14-15
T.J. Wolf 15-16, 14-15

Jason Lucarelli - 2nd Team All-Star Division II, Bowman Cup
Griffin Coppola - 2nd Team All-Star Division II, Bowman Cup
Joshua Dake - Honorable Mention Division II
Erik Szabala - Honorable Mention Division II
Owen Gonter - Honorable Mention Division II
Brian Kazmierczak - Honorable Mention Division II

2016 - 2017
8 - 10 - 4
Lost in Section VI Semi-Final to Kenmore West

Colin Bartoo
Jason Delmont
Griffin Coppola

Graduating Seniors
Colin Bartoo 16-17, 15-16
Jason Delmont 16-17, 15-16
Griffin Coppola 16-17, 15-16, 14-15
Joe Iafallo 16-17, 15-16
Neil Dake 16-17
Nick Jensen 16-17, 15-16
Josh Cook 16-17, 15-16
Ryan Sortisio 16-17, 15-16
Jason Chiodo 16-17, 15-16
Jacob Hangen 16-17, 15-16

Owen Gonter ALL-FED Defense, Bowman Cup
Jason Delmont Bowman Cup
Griffin Coppola - Bowman Cup

5 - 15 - 0 - 1
Lost in pre-quarter final to Lew-Port

Jared Milley - Captain
Elliott Szabala - Alternate
Brian Beck - Alternate

Graduating Seniors
Jared Milley 17-18, 16-17, 15-16
Elliott Szabala 17-18, 16-17, 15-16
Brian Beck 17-18, 16-17
Nick Ranger 17-18, 16-17
Anthony Ferro 17-18, 16-17
Ryan Coffman 17-18
Ethan Cuddihy 17-18, 16-17
Adam Ranger 17-18

Tim Stuart - Bowman Cup
Honorable Mention - Division II

Jared Milley
Jake Hutchison
Jake O'Donnell
Tim Stuart
Matt Walsh
Mike DeSpirt

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