Article VII Committee

The Hamburg Central School District "Article 7" Committee consists of teachers and administrators who (usually) meet on a monthly basis. Topics may include lesson planning, improving instruction, assessment/evaluation, etc.

Meeting minutes, along with various recommended resources can be found on this web-page as well.

Article 7- Lesson Plan Template- Fill-able Form

  1. This form can be filled out on your computer.
  2. To access the template, click on the link above.
  3. The file will open in the browser view mode:
  4. Move your cursor to the upper right and click on the Download arrow:

Download arrow

  1. The file is then downloaded to your Downloads folder. You can find it in My PC.
  2. It is recommended that you close your web browser.
  3. Open the Adobe Reader program on your computer.
  4. In Adobe Reader, click File > Open and find the file in your Downloads folder.
  5. You now can enter your lesson information into the Lesson Plan Template.
  6. Be sure to save your work! Click File > Save as and save it as the file name of your lesson.


  • When you open the document, it must open in Adobe Reader to type in it and save the the document.
  • This document contains scroll-able text boxes. It will not print out properly at this time but it can be emailed to an administrator for review.
  • A "non-fillable form" version of the lesson plan document can be found in Google Docs following these instructions.
  • If you'd like to work on the lesson plan at home, make sure your home computer has Adobe Reader installed. If not, here is the link to download the software at home.
  • All school desktop computers already have the software installed..

Lesson Plan Appendix Article 7

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