RtI's purpose is to determine intensity of instruction based on NEED through DATA for ALL students (Erie 1 BOCES Presentation, Pearson Education, Inc.).
RtI is a structured, educational strategy to close the achievement gaps for all students and find individualized learning strategies for identified students. RtI is a multi-tiered, problem-solving approach that involves collaboration and data analysis at varying levels of intervention.
Tiers of RtI:
Tier 1: Universal screenings are provided to all students three to four times a year. Prior to a referral to the Student Support Team (SST), students found to be at-risk within pre-determined ranges will be provided with interventions and progress-monitored by the teacher for 4-6 weeks.
Tier 2: If sufficient progress is not shown in Tier 1, then students shift to Tier 2. For these students, more individualized strategies and scientifically supported interventions are used. Collaborative problem solving at SST meetings is used to design and implement instructional support.
Tier 3: Data from the previous tiers will be used to support the determination to refer to the Committee on Special Education for classification eligibility.
Part 200.4 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) states that . . ."Effective July 1, 2012, all school districts will be mandated to have an RTI program in place as part of the process to determine if a student in grades K-4 is a student with a learning disability in the area of reading."
Student Support Team:
The Student Support Team (SST) consists of a group of educational staff who work together with the student, their parents, and teacher(s) to address concerns affecting academic performance. Whether concerns are academic, behavioral, emotional, medical and/or social, the team will address each RtI tier as appropriate to the presented issue. The team will brainstorm, implement, and analyze targeted interventions based on the area(s) of need and progress of the student. Baseline data will assist the team in this process. Through documentation of consistent data use as well as student progress made toward their goals, the intervention is maintained or weaned allowing for greater independence through these learned skills. If the student does not respond to the intervention, other empirically-supported interventions are introduced as the SST addresses higher, more intensive tiers of support within the RtI model.
Parent involvement is welcomed at each tier and is viewed as an essential factor in the success of the student!
In direct response to federal and state mandated legislation, the SST is committed to supporting students and teachers through a strength-based, problem-solving approach using scientifically-supported interventions that are individualized to student.
The SST may consist of the following individuals depending on the concern:
- SST facilitator
- SST recorder
- Classroom teacher(s)
- Special education teacher
- Parent/Guardian
- School counselor and/or school social worker
- Principal and/or Assistant principal
- School psychologist
- Speech and Language, occupational and/ or physical therapists
- Case manager
- Intervention specialist
- Other (per individual student and area of need)