Districts are required to advise families of the opportunity to obtain the composite effectiveness score and final quality rating for their child's current teacher(s) and principal, and to make that information available to those families who request it. Districts are barred from releasing individual results for specific teachers and principals to the media or the public, even in response to a Freedom of Information Law request.

APPR Parent Request Form

The law also prescribes that it is "the composite effectiveness score" that is to be released. So separate subcomponents such as the recently distributed state-generated growth scores are NOT subject to release, not even to families. If you have a request related to the information above, please contact the Superintendent of Schools directly. Thank you.

Article 7- Lesson Plan Template- Fill-able Form

  1. This form can be filled out on your computer.
  2. To access the Article 7 Lesson Plan pdf link below
  3. The file will open in the browser view mode.
  4. Move your curser to the lower right hand corner of the document to view this menu.
  5. Click on the disk in the menu bar and the "save as" window appears- save it to a local drive or your school drive
  6. It is recommended that you close your web browser
  7. Open Adobe Reader program on your computer
  8. In Adobe Reader - click File> open> locate your file where you saved it on your local drive or your school drive
  9. You now can enter your Lesson information into the Lesson Plan Template
  10. Be sure to save your work! click file>save as> and save it as a file name of your lesson

Reminders: When you open the document, it must open in Adobe Reader to type in it and save the the document. This document contains scroll-able text boxes. It will not print out properly at this time but it can be email to Administrator for review.
Here is the Adobe reader link for your home computer: ( ). ALL SCHOOL COMPUTER HAVE IT INSTALLED ALREADY.

Hamburg Approved 3012-D APPR Plan
HAMBURG 3012-D Approved Plan

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