
To all Athletes,

Hamburg has always been proud of its outstanding interscholastic program and its athletes. As athletic representatives, the students are a visible extension of what Hamburg symbolizes. As such, each participant is expected to uphold the high standards, which traditionally represent Hamburg. The student-athlete who participates in interscholastic sports should recognize that he or she has an obligation to himself or herself, their teammates and the school community to strive for excellence in the community, the classroom and on the playing field. It is hoped that participation in the program will enable students to exercise self-discipline, self-control, good sportsmanship and mature judgment.

In order to contribute to the welfare of the group, the athlete must willingly assume these obligations, as the role demands that the individual make sacrifices not required of others.

Best of luck to all our athletes this year!

From: The Hamburg CSD Department of HPER     

In order to participate in a sport, you must have a current physical on file with the school nurse. If your child did not get a school physical, please make sure you have made an appointment with your personal physician in order to have time to obtain your sports physical.

New York State requires student athletes be in grades 7-12.

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