Updated Notes:
*** Beginning of Season***
*Our first practice of the 2019 season will be Monday, March 11th.
*We will have an informational meeting at 3pm afterschool on Wednesday, March 6th. Students should report to the cafeteria after school until either Coach Brown or Coach Mancabelli arrive. Meeting should only take 15-20 minutes.
*Students will be allowed to take the late bus home if needed.
*Our team order store is currently active all the way until Wednesday March 13th. Due to the large numbers in our program Varsity-Modified, we will not have enough uniforms for everyone. So if you plan to participate you will have to purchase a Tee Shirt from the online store. This shirt will act as our uniform. You can also get any additional items that you would like. The site is https://hamburgtrackandfield2019.itemorder.com
Hamburg Modified Track and Field
Goals: The goal of our program is develop responsibility, respect, sportsmanship and work ethic while developing and improving track and field skills. The focus of our program is to improve personal performance in a variety of events. The ECIC rules allow for a modified athlete to participate in a maximum of 3 events. The ECIC rules prohibit us from scoring modified meets. Student athletes must have 15 practices prior to participation in a meet.
Practice and Meets: All practices and meets are mandatory. Practices start at 2:45 in the middle school gym and will end no later than 5:00pm. Please note that some practices will end early. It is the responsibility of each athlete to listen to school announcements for changes in the schedule. All members are expected to stay for the duration of the practice and track meets. As a representative of the Hamburg Central School district every athlete will be respectful of all coaches, officials, teammates and opponents.
2019 Track Meet Schedule
4/10 Hamburg @ Lockport (4:30)
4/17 Hamburg & Niagara Wheatfield @ Clarence
5/1 Lancaster @ Hamburg
5/8 Frontier and Hamburg @ Niagara Falls (4:30)
5/15 Medium School MTC @ Pioneer
5/22 Sweet Home & West Seneca West @ Hamburg
All Track meets will begin at 5:00 unless stated otherwise. Away meets bus will leave at 3:45.
We are currently working to move the start time if the meets on 4/10 and 5/8 to 5pm. We will update the website and announce to the team if those meets are moved back.
Excused Absences: Students will be excused from practice if they are absent from school or there is a need to stay afterschool with a teacher for extra help. (A note from the teacher should be provided when you come to practice after the extra help session).
Unexcused Absences: Please provide a note to explain why you missed practice (ie: Dr. note, absent from school etc.) Coaches reserve the right to remove an athlete from the team or participation in meets if they continue to skip practices without a valid excuse.
Transportation: ECIC policy requires all students to ride to and from athletic meets on school supplied transportation. Students who wish to ride home with a parent or legal guardian must be signed out on the coach's sign out board. The sign out board will be made available at the completion of the track meet.
Uniform: A t-shirt is MANDATORY to purchase (beginning of the season) as this is our uniform. Athletes can order extra merchandise if they may. All orders are due Wednesday March 13rd.
Black shorts and the T-shirt are our required uniform for all meets.
We look forward to a great season! Go Bulldogs!!!
Coach Brown ([email protected]) or (716) 796-1513
Athletes should be prepared with appropriate clothing to run inside and outside.